
Saturday 14 January 2012

Sport Event Management

Hola readers JJ..

Here we’re again with another activity…this activity and the pictures were snapped when we are in third semester which is last semester.When we’re in third semester we’re responsible to manage a sport event that we named as PaintBalloon and we’re glad when we’re assigning to handle this activity.

Through this activity we’d learn how to work as a team and as for the results whether we succeed or not
you can value it through the pictures we’d taken..enjoyed our hot pose with the beautiful scenery of our love UiTM

Preparation before the event start

And the game began here....1,2,3,,,start!! =D

Its so funny when they are trying hard to win the game. Run here and there while the other team try to get them with a ballon at their hand! =D

Last but not least, we hope in the future we are able and trusted to manage another big event and we’ll sure the result is more “bomb” than our previous event we’d handled.