
Saturday 14 January 2012

Friendship Can Be Everlasting

Hello everyone.We were back again to complete our task for this week,which assign us to talk about our great activity and valuable time that we had spent together.

One of the activities is celebrating our best friends' birthday.Such a long time we didn't celebrated any friends’ birthday. But this time, we were celebrating birthday of our best friends, Lily and Taufiq. Usually, we planned this surprised birthday a week before that. Still thinking what should we make to surprise her, and where to celebrate? And finally we decided to take her to KFC as it was the only suitable places here, and since she loves to eat too.  The most interesting is, she was sharing her birthday with Mohd Taufiq Ashraf, or should be known as her twin maybe. ;) And here are few shots on that day.

The birthday boy, Muhamad Taufiq Ashraf Zaim

The birthday girl, Siti Dalila Rahmat

 At the  beginning, we had mentioned that she loves to eat, yes it is really truth. Just look at those picture. Can you see that the cream of the cake was at their nose and hair? uhh, it's  really show that they love to eat so much. ;p

Can you see the love between them.. Ohh. How sweet.. :)

Who’s going to celebrate a birthday? You’re going to celebrate. Who is going to blow out the candles? You are. Who is going to have fun? It is you dear. you are not getting older but you're getting better and enjoy it and have a lots of fun. Happy birthday. 

The supporters that always remember your birthday and doesn't really care about your age.  

Here you are celebrating your birthday but the rest of us were celebrating the days that you born in this world and making it better and happier places with your existence in our life. We hope that you have a wonderful day full of happiness and your wishes come true. ;)

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