
Saturday 28 January 2012


This is the most gorgeous dress we have ever seen. Or you guys have ever seen too.
Here's a tip if you want to wear it. You can wear a belt below your chest only if you don't want to look too simple as the dress is too plain. Or you prefer to wear it without belt, its okay. Still will look pretty on you!
If you still think its too plain, make sure your hijab is not plain too. See how our model wear it? She looks so gorgeous. We know you always have problems in finding dress. Especially girls in hijab. Here's the perfect one for you.
Oh and you can also add some accessories. Long necklaces or dozens of bangles. You would look beyond doubt in that.

Both model is around 160 cm in height. So you can already figure the measurement of this dress right? But if you are still curious, please email us for measurements ok!

 Its a cuffed sleeve.

This dress will cost you a bit high than the usual price as this dress is unusual. So unusual dress will cost you a unique price :p Hahaha. We were just trying to scare you! No, its not that expensive. Its only RM 60 per piece. It's free in size and only available in these two colors. And yes, most of our clothes are made from cotton. Including this one. So it is very comfortable and suits with Malaysia's weather. This dress will make every guy you passed to catch an eye on you :p

Oh and good news is, whoever purchase this dress, postage fee will not be charged on you! :) 


Thank you for all the overwhelming response. We have received tons of emails from you guys especially for the items that are on sale. Or WERE on sale, cause most of them are all sold out within seconds! :p

We also received few emails from a few concerned people. They suggested us to sell clothes that are more to teenage wear and more up to date. We tried to search for these kind of clothes, where they are suitable for teenagers. Especially teenagers with hijab on their head :)

Don't get mistaken. This blouse comes in two designs as you can see below. Make sure when you order, you are aware of which design you are choosing.  If you like the design on this red blouse, order to us and inform us that you'd like the "FIRST DESIGN". But if you prefer the design on the cream blouse, please write to us that you want the 'SECOND DESIGN". Got it ? :)

You can say that this blouse is quite different from all the clothes that we sell. Its a short sleeve blouse! Don't worry, girls in hijab can still wear it! Wear it with your cardigan or your inner. Either way, its going to make you look very pretty!

These are the FIRST DESIGN blouse. They are available at 4 colors. Red, Green, Royal Blue and Dark Brown! So many options right? Don't know which to choose? Then, you need to purchase all of the available colors :p

And this is the SECOND DESIGN blouse. They are all the same color as the first design except the second design is not available in red. Which means, they are only available in 3 colors. Which are .... well, you got it right? ha ha ha :p

As we promised you, the new collection is very affordable to purchase. Eventhough it is not on sale, but the price is still similar with the one that are on sale. This blouse cost you only RM 20 for both design. The first one and the second one.

But sadly, for this only comes in one size :( :( :( Which is M in size. But the model is in S size and you can see how she can still look nice in M size! So you girls in small size, can still have this gorgeous blouse !! Order it now!! :)


So this is the moment that you guys have been waiting for so long! We told you that we are selling old these at revised price. We are selling these old stocks at 50% of the original price. Half price !! Say what?! Even the original price itself is cheap. Imagine, after we have reduced it to 50% off. *heart attack right away* :p

Ok so here we GO.

Remember our first post? Our first clothes we posted? Remember? Remember? Remember? You don't? You can't? How could you .. :(
Fine, we're being dramatic. We're just gonna give you the link -_-
Here's the link of our first post! Click HERE. Ok, got it? Please visit it to see the information of this white blouse. The original price is at RM 35. But, as we are having hot sale. We're letting it go at only RM 17. First to make payment, will get this blouse first. 

The second blouse that is on sale is the blouse of our fourth post. Click here for the complete details.
We used to have it at 4 available colors. But the colors that is available are only grey and cream.
And both of the colors are L in size left.
The original price is RM 45. But we're letting it go at RM 22. Unbelievably cheap, right?! We're shocked as you guys are!

One of the many blouses that we received the most demand !! Yup, we still have it. But only in this color! Here's the original post. The green color is all sold out. Oh we're so sorry. We tried to restock, but its not available anymore. So sad we might jump off the building :(
We're selling it at only RM 25 instead of RM 50. For this color, it is only available in XS and M! Grab it now, fast!


Free postage fee for 5 items and above

The material is made from cotton. We can guarantee that it is very comfortable to wear! You can wear it to class or work, or dinner with your friends. Or , well lets just say everywhere! Does it matter? Its too nice that you might wear it to sleep :p Haha fine, we're exaggerating. We just want you to have it.

The model wearing this blouse is XS in size but wearing M size blouse.
This blue blouse is only RM 35. Where on earth can you get this kind of blouse at a very cheap price right?! Hurry email me for this blouse! The code for this blouse is : Navy Blue Blouse.

Not everyday are windy, you can un-buttonned it if you want to. But if you want to keep yourself looking neat and pleasant, we advice you to never unbuttoned it. Hehe free fashion advice from us :)
Yeah, we know. You guys are only concern about the hot sale that we're talking about right! lol so we are selling all the new collections only at RM .. well you have to keep on visiting to know the price. Hehehe but the real hot sale is only for the old stocks. but we promised you, its gonna be really worth it! Wait for our next post! :) Please note that new collections are not for sale, but we are selling it at a very affordable price for you lovelies. No need to worry. We work very hard to satisfy each and everyone of you! :)

Major Updates!

Salam and Hi dear shoppers! The best seller is back. Lol! We are very very very sorry for the lack of updates. We were away for stocking last week (WE ARE EXCITED TOO yet exhausted ..)!
Now we are here with good news. Major updates will be on .. tonight! Around 8 pm. We know you guys had just gotten your salaries after a month of hard work. The work gotta be worth it! Reward yourself with a piece of clothes! Few more pieces wouldn't hurt either :p

Good news for the plus size, you guys can have one too. We have received many feedback where people want us to restock for the plus size too. Sorry we were not concerned regarding this :( But now that we already have, you guys should buy it :p

Remember, tonight's update is for the new collection! And also the old ones with revised price ! All postage fee is waived for 5 items and above. Horrayyyy! Happy Shopping! :)

Saturday 14 January 2012

Sport Event Management

Hola readers JJ..

Here we’re again with another activity…this activity and the pictures were snapped when we are in third semester which is last semester.When we’re in third semester we’re responsible to manage a sport event that we named as PaintBalloon and we’re glad when we’re assigning to handle this activity.

Through this activity we’d learn how to work as a team and as for the results whether we succeed or not
you can value it through the pictures we’d taken..enjoyed our hot pose with the beautiful scenery of our love UiTM

Preparation before the event start

And the game began here....1,2,3,,,start!! =D

Its so funny when they are trying hard to win the game. Run here and there while the other team try to get them with a ballon at their hand! =D

Last but not least, we hope in the future we are able and trusted to manage another big event and we’ll sure the result is more “bomb” than our previous event we’d handled. 

Friendship Can Be Everlasting

Hello everyone.We were back again to complete our task for this week,which assign us to talk about our great activity and valuable time that we had spent together.

One of the activities is celebrating our best friends' birthday.Such a long time we didn't celebrated any friends’ birthday. But this time, we were celebrating birthday of our best friends, Lily and Taufiq. Usually, we planned this surprised birthday a week before that. Still thinking what should we make to surprise her, and where to celebrate? And finally we decided to take her to KFC as it was the only suitable places here, and since she loves to eat too.  The most interesting is, she was sharing her birthday with Mohd Taufiq Ashraf, or should be known as her twin maybe. ;) And here are few shots on that day.

The birthday boy, Muhamad Taufiq Ashraf Zaim

The birthday girl, Siti Dalila Rahmat

 At the  beginning, we had mentioned that she loves to eat, yes it is really truth. Just look at those picture. Can you see that the cream of the cake was at their nose and hair? uhh, it's  really show that they love to eat so much. ;p

Can you see the love between them.. Ohh. How sweet.. :)

Who’s going to celebrate a birthday? You’re going to celebrate. Who is going to blow out the candles? You are. Who is going to have fun? It is you dear. you are not getting older but you're getting better and enjoy it and have a lots of fun. Happy birthday. 

The supporters that always remember your birthday and doesn't really care about your age.  

Here you are celebrating your birthday but the rest of us were celebrating the days that you born in this world and making it better and happier places with your existence in our life. We hope that you have a wonderful day full of happiness and your wishes come true. ;)

Sunday 8 January 2012

How to Make Up Your Mind Quickly

Quick decisions require a different skill set than major decisions--thorough research and pro and con lists are simply not practical in everyday life. As an examples :
  1. For whom are you deciding? Does the decision affect just you, or are there others involved? Will this decision be made individually, or as a group?
  2. Pick one: heart or mind. A big source of indecision is the pull between the emotional/subjective, and the logical/objective. Decide whether this is a "heart" decision or a "head" decision, and don't let the other part of you have a vote.
  3. Get input. Gather what information your time and resources allow. Talk to other people. Usually you will quickly see which outcome you want or need.
  4. Flip a coin. If it's truly 50-50, and you need to make up your mind quickly, it's okay. All things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.
  5. Accept that there are no perfect decisions. It's okay to mess up, or to choose a decision with consequences. The important thing is to choose. Decide ahead of time to adapt to the outcome and enjoy your decision, whatever it may be.
 Everyone have their own problem in making decision and so do we. After we had search a few article, we were interested to this article which relates to us and other people. We believe that this article will motivate people especially in making decision. Besides that, the information will help people to make decision quickly without wasting a lot of time by thinking about the problem. In sort, we hope that this article will helps many people out there. 

How To Be A Successful Young Woman

This article will tell you what to do to become a successful young woman. If you want to refine and better yourself this article is for you.

  1. Have a goal in life, and try your absolute best to achieve it. A life without a goal is like trying to walk to the other side of the country without a map. You may need to search long and hard to find something that you're passionate about but it will be worth it. It will set your whole life straight.
  2. Never try to sell yourself for anything! Self respect is the most important thing a women can have. Be true to yourself and don't let anyone else steer you away from the right path and stop you from achieving your goals.
  3. Don't have sex until marriage! This may sound very old fashioned, but it is essential if you want to find true love and don't want to end up in complicated situation that will cost you your whole life. These days sex seems like a casual activity, but it certainly isn't! It could get you into a lot of complicated situations that will ruin your life! If a guy loves you enough he will want to spend his entire life with you so he wouldn't mind waiting until marriage (that's if he's the right guy). If he is willing to wait, it will really show you how much he loves you. Without sex, he will love you more as a person rather than love you for your body and what he can do with it.
  4. Respect others in order to gain respect for yourself. Be kind and generous so people will be kind towards you.
  5. Respect your parents. Your parents are the most important people in your life. Even if you don't always get along with them, be kind to them and always respect them. Just remember, without them you wouldn't be here. Although they may not be able to fufill all your wants and needs, they are still your parents.
  6. Be grateful for everything you have. Just remember there are people that are in worse situations. Try not to complain about anything; instead take actions to improve the situation.
  7. If you're in a bad situation, or life is not going the way you planned, don't worry; because at some point everyone goes through rough spots. Life wouldn't be life without any drama! There is no one in this world that lives a life without any problems.
  8. Don't waste time. Time is one of those things that you will never get back no matter how hard you try. Do things that will help you in life like learning to swim or basic sewing, do some volunteering or charity work. You'll regret wasting your time when you look back in life.
  9. Do well in school! Going to school and achieving good grades is the key to being successful. If you get high grades, your parents will be proud of you and people will respect you more and take you seriously. If you slack off, you'll regret it once you apply to colleges.
  10. Spend time learning about other cultures and religion. Watch the news to increase your intelligence and knowledge about the world. Tolerance is key.
  11. Make yourself look good. This does not mean go on crazy diets and devote your whole life into making yourself look good. Just remember to eat healthy, exercise, and make yourself look presentable. Self confidence makes every woman beautiful.
Comment : In this competitive world, many women are struggling to succeed in anything they do. They want to be on top, to be praised and to be compliment by the people around them. But do they know the exact ways to achieve this goal? Or do they just have dreams but zero in effort? Anyone in this world needs to be reminded everyday to do things or accomplish their tasks, or else they will remain ignorant and static. So, these steps are definitely suitable and achievable to follow by any women in this world. If you want to be followed, you should at least follow these steps first. Its just 11 steps to be practiced, only efforts need to be applied. The harder you apply these steps into your life, the greater the results are.

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